Saturday, July 7, 2012

Gapminder - Visual Statistics

Statistics. This is one word that everyone in the sane world tries to avoid. I myself find it boring and even contradictory to use, because the figures can be misleading, and in most instances they are. However, in the business world, statistics will haunt you no matter where you are and what you do.

The power of statistics enables the presenter to sell any kind of baloney, making the numbers look the way the audience love to see them. What if you had a chance to play with statistics and use it to strengthen your argument? What if you could just throw the numbers in a software, and with very few settings, you can see your numbers in the most beautiful way? Like a movie?

Hans Rosling of Gapminder Foundation enables you to do exactly this. Watch the video below and be thrilled to learn what you can do with your data.

The purpose of this software is to enable people to understand and present statistics in the most enjoyable way than it has ever been done before. You can download this software at Gapminder for free. And if you are kind enough, you could donate to help th chap keep the work going.

The 'Why' Question.

It's been an year since I started my MBA. It hardly feels like it's been that long. It has been a wonderful adventure filled journey. There have been times I wondered if I could have done better. Sure I could have done differently, and probably better, but not once have I regret my decision. I enjoy every bit of learning, not just from the classes and books, but, from the cities I've traveled to, from the people I've met, and from the experiences I've had.

Each experience has a memory, a lesson that offers a leap forward. Some of the experiences disillusion you from your beliefs, some generate excitement, and some just let you live the moment. These experiences, these thoughts and this knowledge.. They make my life. This blog is my attempt to give myself reasons, in the future, to appreciate my past.